

cyberjpg 021
  • Ransomware Protection

    Immutable storage that protecting content from being altered with WORM functionality

  • Ransomware Detection

    Prevents and alert unauthorized changes

  • Replication

    Protect from media failures using off site vaulting, with automatic failover and fallback

  • Data regulations

    Encrypting content while in use, in-transit and/or at rest.

  • Data Loss Prevention

    Protecting content from data loss using defined geographical fencing rules

  • Automatic Contentbase tagging

    Tagging of content based on defined filters

  • Data Reduction

    Data reduction while in transit, and/or at rest

  • Tiering

    Move of data to cheaper media based on usage and more

  • Filtering

    Allow/block based filtering based on search path, and/or mime-type

  • Climate Smart

    Energy Efficient Clmate Smart Green IT solution that reduces energy consumption as well as CO2 emission

  • Open API

    Flexible to adjust to most needs using Easy to use interface accessible as bucket/s3, file or virtual tape library

  • Snapshot

    Take application consistent snapshot on any block device, stored offsite using progressive block level incremeSntal forever

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