
Managing content with Spictera SPFS

Managing content with Spictera SPFS is very flexible. We will show you just some example here to start with.

IBM Spectrum Protect has a very flexible way of controlling content. This is called copy-groups and are bind to management class names. This management names can than be bound to individual files or cataloges using include/exclude rules.

DOMAIN NAME : used to associate different nodes (servers) to a policy domain

POLICYSET NAME : used to create different policies for data. Only one of the policies can be active at a time

MANAGEMENT CLASS NAME : used to associate a name of a retention policy. Each DOMAIN needs at least one default management class name associated. That is where all nodes that does not have specific retention configured will be used.

COPYGROUP NAME : used to configure the retention policy for the specific data types

NODE NAME : is used to store all data associated with a server or database.

CLOPTSET NAME : is used to create filtering rules also called include/exclude rules.

data retention

In all below examples, we have been using the below Spectrum Protect setup

DEFINE POLICYSET spfs_dom spfs_pol
DEFINE MGMTCLASS spfs_dom spfs_pol spfs_mgmt
DEFINE COPYGROUP spfs_dom spfs_pol spfs_mgmt VERD=nol VERE=nol RETE=30 RETO=30 STGPOOL=backuppool

VALIDATE POLICYSET spfs_dom spfs_pol
ACTIVATE POLICYSET spfs_dom spfs_pol

ASSIGN DEFMGMT spfs_dom spfs_pol spfs_mgmt

REGISTER NODE spfs secretpwd DOMAIN=spfs_dom

Scenario 1: Keep 5 versions of the file if it is not deleted for a maximum of 30 days

Lets say that we want the SPFS system to keep a maximum of 5 versions of the file if the last version (the active) has not been marked to be deleted (Eg rm/DEL). The retention of the older versions of the files should expire acter 30 days.

The parameters to control this are VEREXIST which controls how many version of a file should exist, when a file is not marked as deleted. The other parameter RETEXTRA is used to control how long time to keep the backup versions.

The parameters RETONLY and VERONLY will be covered in next scenario, but we have to enter them now as it is needed.

DEFINE COPYGROUP spfs_dom spfs_pol spfs_mgmt verexist=5 retextra=30 retonly=60 verdeleted=1

Scenario 2: Keep 1 versions of the file if it is deleted for a maximum of 60 days

The above example (scenario 1) had two extra parameters RETONLY and VERDELETED. These parameters controls how many versions (VERDELETED) to keep if a file marked inactive (rm/del), and how long time (RETONLY) to keep the last version of the file.

In this example we will only keep 1 version for 60 days if someone issues the DEL or RM command.

So if there was 5 versions before someone issued the RM or DEL command, than it will only be 1 file afterwards.

Scenario 3: Have 1 year retention for all files under "important" and all other has 30 days

Having different retention using Spictera SPFS is easy. Lets say that you want to have 1 year retention for all files under the important cataloge, and the rest of the files should have 30 days retention. We do not want any restrictions of how many versions to keep.

Lets start by creating the default retention policies


Now we create the retention policy for the 1 year retentio

DEFINE CLIENTOPT spfs_clopt INCLEXCL 'include /important/.../* 1year'
UPDATE NODE spfs CLOPTSET=spfs_clopt

The /…/* means any data on that cataloge or at any level of subdirectory will be bound to the management class name 1year

Scenario 3: Reject storing MP3 files

With Spictera SPFS one can also control what type of content is allowed to stored using either mimetype filters or native IBM Spectrum Protect filters (include/exclude rules) which are filename based filters.

Lets say that one wants to reject storing MP3 files anywhere on the SPFS filesystem.

DEFINE CLIENTOPT spfs_clopt INCLEXCL 'exclude /.../*.mp3'
UPDATE NODE spfs CLOPTSET=spfs_clopt

This will refuse storing mp3 files anywhere on the SPFS mounted filesystem

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