with IBM Spectrum Protect
There are several ways to protect MariaDB databases, where we are going to focus on using the mariabackup tool.

1.Install the IBM Spectrum Protect Client API
# rpm -ivh gsk*.rpm
# rpm –ivh *api*.rpm
# dpkg -i gsk*.deb
# dpkg –i *api*.deb
2. Install the SPFS software
# rpm -ivh spfs*.rpm
# rpm –ivh spictera*.rpm
# dpkg -i spfs*.deb
# dpkg –i spictera*.deb
3. Configure the Spectrum Protect client
# vi /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/api/bin64/dsm.sys
TCPSERVERADDRESS tsm.backupserver.com
ERRORLOGNAME /var/log/dsmerror_spfs.log
4. Register the node on the backup server
5. Configure the SPFS file system
5.1 Create option file
# echo SERVERNAME spfs > /etc/spfs/dsm.opt
5.2 set initial password
# setpassword /etc/spfs/TSM.PWD <<< secret
5.3 Create spfs configuration
# vi /etc/spfs/spfs.opt
OPTIONFILE /etc/spfs/dsm.opt
6. mounting the SPFS file system
# mkdir /backup
# mount.spfs /backup
You are now ready to start using Spectrum Protect as a file system, storing and retrieving backup data of MariaDB
Full Backup of MariaDB
# mariadb-backup — backup — user=backup— password=secret — parallel=10 — stream=xbstream > /backup/bu.stream
It is also possible to use the command, if you want each database file to be separate
# mariabackup –user=backup –password=secretpwd \
— parallel=6 –backup –target-dir=/backup/$(date +%Y-%m-%d.%H:%M:%S)
Incremental backup of MariaDB
# mariabackup –prepare –target-dir=/backup/2021-12-27.00:10:00 –incremental-dir=/backup/$(date +%Y-%m-%d.%H:%M:%S)
Restoring from backup
Step 1: stop MariaDB
# systemctl stop mariadb
Step 2: remove data files
# cd /var/lib/mysql
# rm -rf *
Step 3: restore data files
# mbstream -x < /backup/bu.stream
Or if you used the second example, than one can use
# mariabackup –copy-back –target-dir=/backup/201-12-27.00:10:00 –parallel=8
Step 4: prepare
# mariabackup –prepare –target-dir=/var/lib/mysql
Step 5: change ownerships of files
# chown -R mysql.mysql /var/lib/mysql
Step 6: start MariaDB
# systemctl start mariadb
If you want to restore from an older version, than one can change step 3 to the version of interest. Eg previous backup version
# mbstream -x < “/backup/bu.stream(-1)”