Energy efficient
Reduces CO2 emissions by controlling the media types. Energy efficient

Is a virtual workspace environment built to present desktops or application using a browser. Spictera Secure Workspace is a scale out infrastructure, built on images, that is easy to administrate centrally. The content and executable applications is more secured as only a view of the desktop or application is presented, and not the actual data shared to an executable program on the physical hardware.
We provide a myriad of services and know getting the right support is overwhelming. Sourcing our frequently asked questions, we want to help and provide you with the service that is right for you.
if reconnecting/restart is So Fast?
Why paying for expensive laptops/desktops, if you can use mobile or thin clients?
Just use your browser to view the virtual workspace or application -- Administrate centrally all workspaces
Updates of software quicker and simpler - Performance -- Optimized for latency
Dock your mobile/laptop to utilize external interfaces, such as monitor, keyboard, mouse, headset etc.
Reduces CO2 emissions by controlling the media types. Energy efficient