
Data Management

Easy to administrate from a central pane. Setting retention and versioning policies, media selections, replication and extra copies, data reduction, encryption, filterings and more.
Centralized management of all the features of Spictera Unified Storage is possible through its administration panel. This interface for data management means that users can monitor and coordinate their data usage from this single interface. Media options, retention, and versioning policies, replication, and extra copies can be configured using this pane making it easy for the users. It enables data minimization for efficient use of storage capacity and also comes with adequate security features which include data encryption both at user and transfer levels. Also, users can apply various filtering options that will help to organize data and find it more easily. Spictera has been assembled and organized in such a way that its central administration pane effectively regulates all of the firm’s information policies, media choices, encryption, and filtering processes.

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Centralized Administration:

Organize every aspect of data processing and management with a user-friendly and easy-to-navigate interface. This central control makes it easy to manage and tweak different aspects of your data storage.

Retention and Versioning Policies:

All retention and versioning policies are easy to set and modify. It makes sure that according to your defined policies the data is archived and historical copies are properly handled.

Media and Replication Management:

Media types need to be selected and configured, as well as replication and additional copies maintained without much difficulty. This capability increases the availability of data as well as best database backup services to help in case of data loss.

Data Reduction and Encryption:

It is also essential to adopt data reduction methods to enhance storage utilization, and apply comprehensive encryption to secure the data. Encryption both at the time of storage and during transmission keeps your data secure from prying eyes. 

Filtering and More:

Some features of filtering: Use different types of filters to sort and search for information. The system also includes additional functions and parameters to adapt data management to your tasks.
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