

Protecting GreenPlum databases

using IBM Spectrum Protect Sample Server Policy Domain define domain GREENDOM desc=”SPFS” define policyset GREENDOM GREENSET1 desc=”SPFS” define mgmtclass GREENDOM GREENSET1 GREEN_35DAYS desc=”SPFS” define copygr GREENDOM GREENSET1 GREEN_35DAYS RETO=35 RETE=35 VERD=NOLIMIT VERE=NOLIMIT DEST=DEDUPPOOL define copygr GREENDOM GREENSET1 GREEN_35DAYS RETVER=35 DEST=DEDUPPOOL TYPE=ARCHIVE assign defmgmt GREENDOM GREENSET1 GREEN_35DAYS activate policyset GREENDOM GREENSET1 Sample /etc/spfs/spfs.opt: * Sample spfs.opt

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Protecting PostgreSQL using pg_probackup with IBM Spectrum Protect

There are many different methods that one can use for protecting PostgreSQL. This time we are going to introduce you to the pg_probackup utility. Install the IBM Spectrum Protect Client API   ### Red Hat/SuSE/Oracle Linux/Rocker Linux# rpm -ivh gsk*.rpm# rpm –ivh *api*.rpm ### Debian/Ubuntu# dpkg -i gsk*.deb# dpkg –i *api*.deb 2. Install the SPFS

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Using tape media to reduce energy consumption and carbon emission

Reducing Data Center Energy Consumption and Carbon Emissions with Modern Tape Storage Reducing the carbon emission is a global challenge. Companies has started to incorporate the carbon emission plans within their strategies and visions, announcing greener products. The Data Centers consumes more electricity, and only in US the total consumptions from the compute power is

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Backup As Code

What is Backup As Code? The new trend strives to have integrated backups with the product and services configured. This is sometimes called “Backup As Code“, or “integrated backup“. This requires that the the backup is taken at a specific point in time when the application wants it to be taken, and not when an

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Spictera Data Protection solutions

What is spictera Data Protection solutions? Spictera Data Protection is an unified storage solution with full-lifecycle that provides Disaster Recovery (DR), backup, and archiving services to help enterprises cope with the soaring volume of data that drives the digital world. Spictera uses the latest, cutting-edge technologies, ensures near zero data loss, and long-term information retention.

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